Cookies Policy

Our website uses a small number of cookies to track visitor usage (and in some cases optimise user experience). A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer via your web browser.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies although you can modify your browser settings to manage what cookies you do or do not want to accept.

Your use of this website indicates your acceptance of this policy. If you have any queries relating to this policy please contact us or email

Analytical Cookies

These cookies are used to track website usage and are managed through Google Analytics. They allow us to track user journeys through the website and record certain information including, but not limited to; device type, browser type, approximate location, time on site, and your connection speed.

Google Analytics cookies are persistent, meaning that they remain on your computer after you have left our website. You can delete these cookies through your browser settings. Google’s Privacy Policy is available here

Wherever you may view a video through our website, Google may use additional cookies to track the video you have viewed. If you are signed into Google at the time of viewing the video, Google may associate these video views with your Google account.

Marketing Cookies

We may use use marketing cookies through third party CRM suppliers such as SalesForce, MailChimp and HubSpot to track visitor engagement with website content, emails and forms. This data may be used to provide us with insights to personalise your website experience and pre-populate any forms you use on site. This data is anonymous, unless you have completed a form. In this case the data supplied in forms may be matched to your website browsing behaviour.

Like Google Analytics cookies, these cookies are persistent.

Privacy Policy

At Lionel Hitchen Limited we value and are committed to protecting your privacy. This policy describes the type of data we collect and how we process and store your data. Your use of our website indicates your acceptance of this policy. If you have any queries relating to this policy please contact us Contact Us or email:

Website forms

When you complete a form on our website we will collect the data that is submitted. Your data will be securely stored and may be used to:

  • Pre-populate subsequent website forms
  • Customise your website experience
  • Profile you based upon your usage of the website.

When you complete a form (e.g. a contact form or white paper download form) we may use the data supplied to send you relevant marketing emails. You can opt-out of these emails at any time,

by either:

  • Clicking the relevant ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of each email
  • Sending an email to requesting removal from our distribution list.

IP tracking

Your IP address will be recorded when you use our website. We may use 3rd party IP databases to identify the company you are working for when accessing the website. This technology does not identify individuals, unless:

  • You are a sole proprietor
  • You complete a website form, which allows us to match your IP address with your contact details.

Website analytics

Our website analytics are provided by Google (and the third party CRM tool used on this website).

  • Google Analytics provides cookie and IP based tracking, but does not personally identify individuals.

The data gathered through the use of our website will be governed by Google’s Analytics Privacy Policy

  • The CRM’s analytics is also used to track website usage. By default this does not personally identify individuals, unless you have completed a form. In this case the data provided through forms may be combined with your website usage data to profile you. Please see the ‘Website forms’ section above.

Security and sharing

Data provided through our website is transmitted and stored in an encrypted state. Data will be held by us, Google and our CRM system and thus may be stored outside of the European Economic Area. We will not pass your data to other third parties, unless required to do so by law.

Requesting a copy of your data or deletion of your data

You may request a copy of, or that we can delete the data we hold for you personally, by emailing Where a deletion has been requested, we will provide confirmation that your data has been removed from our internal systems. Please note we may not be able to delete anonymous data.


This website has been designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that all text, imagery and media is easy to read and use of colour does not interfere with the presentation of content.

Our commitment and approach to maintaining an accessible website;

Flavones Extracts Private Limited is committed to:

  • Maintaining an accessible website.
  • Ensuring that this website achieved “Level AA” conformance to the Web Content Accessibility
  • Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, to comply with the national Disability Authority’s Code of Practice on Accessibility of Public Services and Information Provided by Public Bodies.
  • Ensuring that all new information on the website will achieve “Level AA” conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
  • Including accessibility when we procure 3rd-party systems or upgrades to existing systems.

Alternative Text

All images on this site are accompanied by a brief alternative text which where appropriate identifies an image or its function. This alternative text (alt-text) is generally only visible when the browser’s automatic image loading feature is turned off.


All text links are written so that they make sense when read out of context.


Most Adobe Acrobat Portable PDF files on this site are tagged to allow basic accessibility.

For more information about PDF accessibility see the Adobe website accessibility section.

For more help with Acrobat files generally and a link to download Acrobat Reader see the sites help page.

Text Size

The text on this website has been styled using a non-fixed value in a style sheet. This means that users can easily change the text size using their browser settings.

How to send feedback on this website’s accessibility

We welcome feedback on the accessibility of this website.

  • Email us at
  • Phone us on +91 6309 999 509
  • Write to us at Flavones Extracts Private Limited, Palamangalam, Tirupati Dist. Andrapradesh, India

Accessibility features of this website

Flavones does not have any specific accessibility features built into it however it is compatible with third party non-visual access to technology systems such as NVDA (Non Visual Desktop Access) that can be downloaded to your desktop computer. Systems such as these provide a free screen reader. Visit for more information.

We may implement specific accessibility features such as Browsealoud or other supportive systems that make websites more accessible for specific disabilities.

More Help

For more information and help about changing your browser settings please visit the BBC’s My Web My Way pages.

If you any accessibility issues or problems, please contact the online team at